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Music has impacted my life in a variety of ways; the above picture is from All State. Everybody has at least one song that will make you roll down the window and scream the lyrics.

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  • Writer's pictureAllison Mcfadden

Madrigals 101

Fun fact! I started singing Christmas music at the beginning of August. Too early? In my defense, it is for Madrigals. August 6 kicked off a string of multiple hour rehearsals that span seventeen weeks in order to prepare for Madrigal Knight. The tricky part about being a Madrigal after getting through the audition process is the commitment. We are learning thirty-three songs this year; most of these will end up being memorized, perfected, and performed. Being new to the group can make this process more difficult. I also participate in multiple other events in and outside of school. So how do I manage it all?

Glimpse of my September calendar.

First and foremost, I organize everything to keep up with my busy schedule. My calendar has to be in pristine condition. Every activity gets a different color and I discuss my week with my parents. Before the school year even started, I had every single Madrigal practice and chorus event in my calendar. I would recommend using google calendar because it syncs to every device connected to the same google account and is very user/mobile friendly. It helps me see what the week has in store so I am able to plan my homework schedule around my busiest days.

So homework... My homework load is incredibly difficult to manage as I am a zero through seventh hour student without a study hall on top of my extracurriculars. In order to stay sane, I work on homework in school and on the weekends as much as possible. Even if you are not super busy, getting homework done instead of procrastinating will save you so much stress and anxiety in the long run. Staying ahead means that I do not have to stay up until midnight each night frantically trying to complete it. If I need help, I am able to ask questions about something in class the next day or focus on a harder class' work.

Madrigals also takes a toll on a vocalist due to the two hour long rehearsals each Monday. I have to make sure that I am in a good mindset to focus mentally and physically. I make sure to eat dinner before the six to eight o'clock rehearsal. I also live with a water bottle in my hand, hydrating is the most important step in making sure that you are prepared to sing. Singing may seem fairly straightforward, however, correct technique utilizes many muscles similar to an athlete; singers need to stay healthy in order to produce a lovely sound. This also applies to mental health. If you decide that today is a bad day and are unfocused maybe you will forget the words, rhythm, or pitch, which would be detrimental.

Being a team player is also an essential component of surviving Madrigals. If you think you are the best and do not need anybody else, you are wrong. In Madrigals, it is extremely important to listen to those around you in order to blend. Blending is when everybody is making the same sound; a good rule of thumb to follow is: listen to your neighbor and for the other voice parts. There is a time and place to be loud and brassy, but there are also times where it is required to be quiet and delicate. You also must listen to the Reece's instructions, because she leads our group to success.

The most important thing to remember is to try your hardest. Honestly, this applies to everything. If you try your hardest and fail at least you know that there was nothing more you could do. In my opinion, the worst feeling in the world is knowing that I could have done better. For example, I did not make Madrigals or Court Singers my sophomore year, but I did my best. All you can do is your best and maybe if you keep trying you will succeed.

Madrigal Knight last year when I was a Court Singer.

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